Emergence is a community of doers and dreamers who collaborate to create a space, physical and metaphysical, where magic and wonder arise. The following is a list of the teams that make Emergence happen. Interested in leading or co-leading an Emergence team? Please complete this form. Regular event volunteer sign-ups will be available in February.
The Emergence Burn Art Team goal is to create a bond between artist’s endeavors and resources that will facilitate the display of the art during Emergence.
The Conclave Team brings their passion of fire to the Burn and creates a safe fire circle and aerialist structure where artists will perform during the event.
The Department of Public Works Team will ensure an efficient and safe build for the Emergence and do its best to have a great time too!
The Event Calendar Team seeks to attract those who have talents to share, skills to teach, fun to have, music to dance to, shows to put on, etc. from within the greater Emergence community. Then, provide a detailed schedule of days, times and places of all the events for the four days of Emergence.
The Fire Arts and Safety Team ("FAST") will ensure a safe Emergence by actively inspecting all art with fire, engaging with burners to spread awareness of how to be safe during burns, creating perimeters for burns, working with perimeter volunteers, and inspecting the Conclave area.
The Fluffer Team endeavors to bring sunshine, fun, hydration and nutrition to all the members of the early arrivals and Build Team members. The Fluffer Team is dedicated to keeping the vibe high and everyone thriving!
Gate volunteers check to see that all participants are authorized to enter the event, and that they meet legal and event requirements.
Greeters act as the bridge between the default world and the city we create, Pangaia. Greeters welcome new arrivals with a (consensual) hug and a friendly smile. The essence of Greeters is to act as a sparkplug for the magic each participant came looking for.
A critical component of a beautiful event comes from a kitchen crew creating delicious and nutritious food for the Emergence Early Arrival Build Crew.
Each night of Emergence, at twilight, Lamplighters illuminate Pangaia as they joyfully parade through the streets of our fine fleeting city.
Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. Our dedicated Leave No Trace crew helps ensure all material out of place (MOOP) is put in its place before we close the portal to Pangaia.
The Operations Team willingly, gracefully and happily collaborates with all other teams to ensure a smooth and efficient event. The Operations Team strives to be calm, cool and collected during shifts with a NUMBER ONE goal of solving Issues quickly by openly communicating with other team members, the other teams and the Emergence Core.
The city planners of the land of Pangaia, the Placement Team decides what and who goes where with the aim of creating a synergistic arrangement of art, camps, sound and natural features of our fine land.
Rangers partner with the rest of the Emergence community to keep everyone having a magical time. Not the cops. Not your mom. Rangers are community mediators, helpers and problem solvers who step in when things get especially sticky. Rangers are required to be sober while on shift. Training required.
The Sanctuary Team creates safe, non-judgmental spaces and gives non-coercive services and resources to people who find themselves compromised, overwhelmed, or in emotional distress.
The Volunteer Coordinators (Volunteam) facilitate the recruiting, assigning, organizing, reporting, and recording of the functional volunteers for Emergence.